martes, 26 de octubre de 2010


The next day I went  to the hospital for visited Joe(my grand-father).
When I arrived into the room I saw Jon was sleeping on a stretcher, and Angelica was sleeping on a sofa.
 Angelica awoke  and  she went to buy a coffee, when Angelica came out of the room Joe open his eyes and explained what happened.
He explained a history of a object how seach the mens.
The object had the power to control and created diamonds.
And this object was stored in the New York International Banc in the box of segurity nomber
5639934765-GSC and the key was inside me in your DNA.

2.-The black mens

One day, before the school I went to the center,and I  bough a present for a 60th year of my grand-father.
Before to shopping a present for my grand-father, I went my house, I found the house with the broken door and shattered all. And two mens what was hitting my grand-father. And the mens fled.
After spoke of the police, I went to sleep.
For 3 days I felt observed.
And the 4th day before to the incidend two mens who wearing black clothes, attempted to murder my grand-father. I went  to the hospital for visited Joe( my grand-father).


This is the history to William  Shown Folklore. Will has got 16 years old, the white skin and he has got brown hair, blue eyes and he is tall.
He live in New York in  a litle black house in the center to the city with his grand-parents.
The name of his grand-father is Joe Shown, he has got 59 years old and he has a white-black hair. When he had 30 years old, he worked in the CIA. And he always spoke his historis of his life.
And Angelica  is the Will's grand-mother , she's a beautyful person and generous.
And his is a one history who spoke my grand-father who became in reality.