domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

The Breathless

On the window I could see the port of New York.
Two mens open the door and gave me food. I had to find a way to escape the room.
I had the spoon of the food and  I use the spoon by broke the window. And I escape and I went to the port.

Soy Leyenda

Will Smith's character's name is Robert Neville .
Robert Neville is a scientist who was unable to stop the spread of the terrible virus that was incurable.  Robert Neville is now the last human survivor in the lef of New York City.
For three years, Neville has sent radio messages, desperate to find a others survivors who might be out there. Mutant victims of the plage watching Neville ... waiting for him to make a fatale mistake.
Neville is  to find a way to reverse the effects of the virus using his immune blood.
Finaly Robert find the cure because the mutands lock him and Neville's kill a lot of mutands but he save a homen and his children.
They go to Alasca and donated the cure at the last immune city.

sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

5.-The Box

When I was in front of the box...
I try to open the box, but I could not open. After the banker spoke me and he said to me the way of opening the box.
I had put blood to the machine of the door. I had a needle and I put the blood in the machine.
Immediately the door was opening when the banker stick me in the head with a bludgeon.
When I wake up, I was in a dark room. The room was small and had spiderwebs and the room had a window, On the window I could see the port of .....

4.-The Bank

The next day I went  to the New York International Bank  for the object.
When I arrived into the bank I saw the bank, and  it was very big and the people how in was very rich..
Few minutes ago. The banker was drinking a coffee.
I spoke with the banque and I ask him about the strong box number 5639934765-GSC.
I was still the banker up to the box. In to the room of the boxes was a big segurity.
First I went to put the hand inside the machine of the fingerprint. When I was in front of the box...