domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011

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A public participation in the majority of laws as it is more suitable for approval and favor the rights of the people meant. It is also true that a law should be fairly for all people, but at least the laws should be given to the people and their opinion ..
We would rather control the banks bailed out or not nationalize them to avoid many financial problems and debt and use of banks in the countries to make more jobs ...
Improving labor market wage increase as prices rise but not wages and this is a serious problem. After punishing companies with profits of which despenen many people who need food. These days the company makes out whole groups without any justification. What you could do is say goodbye to people instead of them having to collect unemployment, make empres instead of making so many benefits, delivering the work to more people because if people have money they can and spend as if it were a wheel, so that others repercudiria companies to have more benefits.
You could make a law that if a person has a mortgage and can not pay for justifiable cause is canceled if n'expropies the house, because if a family has to pay a house that no longer has, during 10 or 20 years, now be very difficult. It could not have paid for several years or until the family found work.
Finally, I think that everyone complains: Banks that fail to make profits that were well accustomed to the conditions, because if people do not work but it has benefits, which always leaves the citizen is lost, which is to whose interests should ensure the first two.

As the politicians really listen to the cry of the people. We want changes and we want it! The system of political leadership does not. Responsibilities should be able to ask our "representatives". Must be blank votes are represented in Parliament and local councils with empty seats. Should eliminate the minimum percentage of votes for political parties elected. Must end with the great advantages of politicians. Need to depoliticize justice to become a part. Politicians should not be convicted or accused to present for election........................................

The events that have happened these past few days there may be good or bad answers, many different ideas and all kinds of actions, but questionable in every sense of what I'm sure these last days I made ​​history.

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